If the current index is not assigned then fill the element from 1 to 9 and recur for all 9 cases with the index of next element, i.e.The other base case is when the value of column is N, i.e j = N, then move to next row, i.e.i=N-1 and j=N then check if the grid is safe or not, if safe print the grid and return true else return false. If the index is at the end of the matrix, i.e.Create a recursive function that takes a grid and the current row and column index.If any number has a frequency greater than 1 in the hashMap return false else return true Keep Hashmap for the row, column and boxes. Create a function that checks if the given matrix is valid sudoku or not.Software Engineering Interview Questionsįollow the steps below to solve the problem:.Top 10 System Design Interview Questions and Answers.Top 20 Puzzles Commonly Asked During SDE Interviews.Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions.Top 10 algorithms in Interview Questions.Top 20 Dynamic Programming Interview Questions.Top 20 Hashing Technique based Interview Questions.